Methamphetamine, commonly called meth, is a highly addictive stimulant. People across the United States struggle with meth addiction every day. Commonly found in a white powder, smoking or injecting meth can cause a person to become addicted after one use. A single use of meth can also lead to death. Meth, like other drugs, increases dopamine levels, commonly known as the “joy chemical.” The drug floods the body with euphoric feels, making it highly addictive. Many need higher doses of meth right away to experience the same effects. This often leads to overdose or death. Meth addiction is most successfully overcome with help from a meth rehab center. If you or someone you love are trying to quit methamphetamine use, reach out to Atlanta Detox Center today. Our meth rehab center provides comprehensive care for this type of addiction. Learn more about our meth rehab in Atlanta, Georgia, today by calling 470-450-2355 or filling out our online form.

Meth Crystal on black mirror - meth rehab Atlanta Georgia concept image

Meth Abuse and Addiction

Meth is a popular illegal drug because it is relatively inexpensive and easy to find. This makes meth popular with people from all walks of life. Immediate effects of meth include:

  • Manic behavior and hyperactivity
  • Paranoia and confusion
  • Increased alertness and insomnia
  • Weight loss and decreased appetite

Meth is smoked, snorted, or injected. All three methods immediately flood the brain with dopamine. This rush quickly raises heart rate and blood pressure. Sometimes this rush can cause a heart attack or sudden death.

Long-Term Effects of Meth Use

While short-term effects of meth may seem similar to other drugs, long-term effects cause severe physical and psychological damage. Many meth users develop sores on their bodies from picking scabs, moles, and patches of dry skin while high. Smoking meth can cause tooth decay and loss. Injecting meth can result in collapsed veins, and an increased risk of blood-borne diseases from sharing needles. The more frequently a person uses meth, the faster these physical signs will appear.

Meth can stay in a user’s body longer than other drugs, especially if taken often. The longer someone uses meth, the less dopamine their brain will make, eventually stopping natural dopamine production. This can cause intense withdrawal effects, including paranoia, self-harm, emotional outbursts, and suicidal ideation. For many, these effects can cause post-acute withdrawal syndrome. Also called PAWS, post-acute withdrawal causes symptoms to persist or reoccur for months or years after a person stops using meth. PAWS can be overwhelming and discouraging for those undergoing recovery without medical and psychiatric support.

The long-term effects of meth can be scary, costly, and life-threatening. Luckily, the sooner someone stops taking meth, the sooner their body can begin to heal. Attempting to quit meth at home can be dangerous and unsuccessful. Withdrawal symptoms and long-term effects are best treated in a reputable rehab center. Most meth addiction treatment programs pair medically assisted detox with multiple forms of psychiatric therapy for holistic healing. Rehab programs can help users regain control of their lives, understand addiction triggers, and rebuild their health.

Begin Meth Rehab in Atlanta, Georgia, at Atlanta Detox Center

Contact Atlanta Detox Center today if you or someone you love is looking for meth rehab in Atlanta, Georgia. Our programs treat men and women struggling with drug and alcohol dependency. With a focus on addressing life stressors and addiction triggers, Atlanta Detox Center can help you uncover the root causes of your addiction.

Our staff uses medically assisted detox and various types of therapy to treat those in early recovery. We have alumni and post-rehab programs for confident and successful sobriety after rehab. If you’re using meth, don’t attempt to quit cold turkey. Contact us today by calling 470-450-2355 or completing our online form to learn more about our meth rehab center.

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