Teen addiction can sometimes begin from experimentation or peer pressure. Yet, for many teens struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, it’s simply not easy to stop. Soon, life becomes challenging in many forms. Binge drinking or drug use can become a priority to a person, and they cannot stop.

Our team at Atlanta Detox Center in Georgia offers teen addiction treatment that can change the outcome of your child’s life. Don’t ignore the warning signs of teen substance abuse.

Don’t Overlook Teen Substance Abuse Risks

Some people may feel it is a right of passage for teens to experiment with drugs or spend the weekend binge drinking. In other words, it’s just “teens being teens.” However, this idea can be dangerous, as it may lead to addiction quickly.

Most importantly, any level of drug or alcohol use puts your teen at risk for a range of complications. For example, you can count on seeing challenges related to cognition, poor eating habits, and limited overall academic function. They may begin struggling with relationships and may engage in risky behavior due to teen substance abuse.

However, what is most important to consider with teen substance abuse is the health impact. Even with minimal use or binge drinking just a few times, there are health consequences for many teens who do not seek substance abuse treatment programs.

These consequences may include:

  • Potential damage to the heart
  • Impact on growth and development
  • Brain damage – including reducing the ability to experience pleasure, damaging connections, creating memory problems, and inhibiting cognitive function

In addition to this, binge drinking can impact a teen’s kidneys and liver, putting them at risk for organ failure. In some situations, teen addiction also leads to the risk of overdose. Their bodies and brains are not fully developed, leading to an increased risk of negative consequences and lasting damage from overdose toxicity.

Consider the Long-Term Effects of Teen Addiction

When a person engages in binge drinking or excessive drug use, even if it is only on the weekends, that’s changing their brain’s development. Over time, this can lead to a stunting of their development. It also sets teens up for further addictive behaviors over time. They now need to constantly supply their brain with drugs to reach any level of high or pleasure. As a result of this, they tend to use more potent drugs as their tolerance builds. This puts them at risk for not only teen substance abuse but also an overdose. Teen addiction happens rapidly, but the results can last a lifetime.

How to Get Help for Teen Addiction

Our team at Atlanta Detox Center in Georgia is here to help you. You are not in this battle against teen substance abuse alone. Our professionals will work with you to determine the best type of treatment for your teen’s needs. This is based on the type of addiction they have and the severity of it. Your teen can begin to heal right away through our detox programs.

If you believe your teen is binge drinking or has a teen addiction to any prescription or illicit drug, do not wait to get them the help they need.

Learn more about our detox programs, such as:

Call Atlanta Detox Center Today for Help for Your Teen

Teen substance abuse can lead to a lifetime of suffering and limitations. However, if you have a loved one binge drinking or engaging in drug use, taking action now can make all of the difference. Teen addiction can be treated effectively. Our team at Atlanta Detox Center in Georgia can provide the support your family needs to start healing. To learn more, call us at 844-658-0927 or reach out to us online.