At Atlanta Detox Center, we have discovered over our many years treating addiction that recovery is, above all, a process. Patients who seek our help hoping for a one-time, easy cure for addiction learn this fact right away. Along with this, they also come to realize that treatment and recovery never “end” in any traditional sense of the word. Making that first call and committing to your recovery is an enormously important step. But recovery does not stop there. The care you will receive during and after treatment through the support of your peers and others who have been where you are now is critical.

And this is why we take such great pride in our alumni program. One of the promises that the team of professionals at Atlanta Detox Center makes to every patient involves aftercare. Once you have been through a drug detox center program and have left our facility, the strength of your support network will be one of the main factors in allowing you to avoid relapse. This is a commitment that we take very seriously. For just as your recovery does not end when you leave our residential addiction treatment program, neither does our role in helping you achieve your goals. This is why we have established our extensive alumni program and beyond. One of your best resources for staying sober is the peers you will meet along the way. Our alumni program ensures that anyone who wants to keep in touch with us and with each other can.

The Importance of a Strong Support Network

Whether it involves family, friends with whom you share interests, or peers in recovery, a strong support network is one of the most critical ingredients in recovery. As a member of our alumni program, you will maintain contact with a group of people who have been through some of the things that you have. But you will also be able to help and support them when they reach out to you. Recovery is, in this sense, a two-way street. Interestingly, we hear just as much from alumni who are thankful because they have reached out for help as we do from alumni in the network who have been able to make a difference in the lives of their peers when they needed help the most. In many cases, helping others is the best way to help yourself. This is one of the founding principles of our alumni program.

What to Expect in Atlanta Detox Center’s Alumni Program

As a member of the alumni program in GA, or wherever you reside, you will have the opportunity to receive support from your peers—and to support them as well—in many different ways. The things that you can expect from our program include, but certainly aren’t limited to:

  • Access to our extensive alumni database, which you can use to reach out for help and support when you need it
  • Continued support from the Atlanta Detox Center staff, including regular telephone and email contact
  • Educational materials from Atlanta Detox Center, as well as other information useful to your recovery
  • Invitations to social events organized by Atlanta Detox Center or by other members of the alumni program
  • The chance to share your experiences with others in need, and to support your peers

When you join the Atlanta Detox Center family, you commit to your own recovery. By enrolling in the alumni program, you have a chance to continue that commitment, while helping others in need as well.

Learn More About Our Alumni Program Today

Recovery does not end when you leave our walls. In fact, in many ways, it is just beginning. Joining the dedicated men and women in our alumni program means continuing to build and extend your support network when you need it most. It also means helping others who are struggling with their own addiction issues. Contact Atlanta Detox Center’s alumni program online today or call us at 470.450.2355. Reach out today.