Crack is the freebase form of cocaine, usually more potent than powdered cocaine. Because crack cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant drug, withdrawal from crack cocaine is often very challenging. Usually, constant users of crack cocaine develop a physical and psychological dependence that makes it difficult to quit.

Therefore, users are encouraged to visit a detox center like the cocaine detox center at Atlanta Detox Center. Our addiction treatment programs including drug detox, individual, group, and family therapy, will get you through recovery and help you to maintain long-term recovery. If you or a loved one may benefit from our crack cocaine detox, contact us online or call us at 470-450-2355 today.

Crack Cocaine Detox

Detox is the process of ridding the body of toxic substances. Usually, users of crack cocaine develop a dependence on it and become tolerant. For a successful detox, you need the help of medical professionals who can provide treatments based on your body chemistry and medical history.

The psychological symptoms associated with the crack cocaine withdrawal process make it easy for users to relapse quickly. Generally, withdrawal becomes more complicated when addictions are intense. You might experience a severe withdrawal if you have:

  • Become so accustomed to the drug that you require more intake to produce the same results
  • Engaged in extended use of crack, maybe for many years
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Other addictions to about two or more different substances, including alcohol
  • An underlying or a co-occurring mental or physical health condition

Crack Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Crack cocaine withdrawal symptoms vary depending on factors involving an individual’s tolerance level, metabolism, duration, and addiction severity. However, some typical crack cocaine withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Intense craving
  • Depression
  • Paranoia
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Restlessness
  • Agitation

Phases of Withdrawal

There are two major phases of withdrawal, which are:

  • Acute withdrawal – This stage displays immediate symptoms like anxiety, exhaustion, irritability, unpleasant dreams, difficulty concentrating, and mood changes.
  • Post-acute withdrawal – Usually, this is the stage of extended psychological symptoms that occur weeks or months after quitting. These psychological symptoms include depression, anxiety, cravings, insomnia, panic attacks, lack of motivation, anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure), emotional outbursts, and difficulty with short-term memory.

Crack Cocaine Withdrawal Timeline

There is no exact timeframe for how long crack cocaine withdrawal symptoms last. Depending on various factors, withdrawal symptoms can begin as early as thirty minutes after the expiration of the previous dose. They can last for as long as six months or even more. However, any withdrawal symptoms beyond three weeks or a month are considered post-acute withdrawal symptoms.

During the crash period, which is usually within the first three days, symptoms of paranoia, body aches, and sometimes hallucinations occur. Also, other symptoms develop, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Severe fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Cravings

The successful completion of the first week of crack cocaine withdrawal makes users feel better. Since they generally recover from extreme physical symptoms experienced during the first seventy-two hours of withdrawal, they become vulnerable to relapse. During week two, they experience intense drug cravings, a general lack of motivation, and depression, especially because the brain is still adjusting to the withdrawal process.

By the third or fourth week, mood swings might still be frequent. While many physical symptoms might subside, some psychological withdrawal symptoms, like anxiety and depression, remain through the first month and sometimes beyond. After a few months of withdrawal, former crack cocaine users may experience occasional cravings that are usually triggered by environmental or individual factors.

Begin Recovery from Crack Cocaine Addiction at Atlanta Detox Center

Addiction to crack cocaine is best recovered from in a detox center. At Atlanta Detox Center, each client is unique, so their recovery treatment is personalized based on their needs. Our proficient medical professionals provide detox treatments and necessary therapies to ensure the safe and complete withdrawal of our clients. These therapies prevent relapse in patients by helping them to identify and avoid common triggers.

If you are looking for a crack cocaine detox center for yourself or a loved one, you can reach us through our secure online form or call us at 470-450-2355 to get more information today.