What Is Depression?

Depression is a common, treatable, mental health condition that affects 16.2 million Americans annually. Regardless of the large number of people affected, depression remains vastly misunderstood, ignored, and stigmatized. Depressive symptoms cause those affected to feel:

  • Extreme sadness
  • Hopelessness
  • Helplessness
  • Insomnia

Depressive episodes have symptoms that can last from a few weeks to a few years. When left untreated, depression can lead to suicide.

There are many different types of depression, and this disorder can be seasonal, situational, or even caused by other mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder or substance abuse. Whether your depression is caused by trauma, the season, or a chemical imbalance in your brain, you are not alone, and you are not to blame. A life without depression and addiction is possible, and help in a behavioral health program is available to those who are ready.

At Atlanta Detox Center, we proudly provide addiction treatment therapy to simultaneously deal with the emotional pain of depression and addiction. If you or someone you care about would like more information about our depression treatment center in Atlanta, GA, or both, reach out to our friendly team today by contacting us online or calling 470-450-2355.

Co-Occurring Depression and Addiction

Many people struggling with depression feel guilty and ashamed, which keeps them from reaching out for help. Depression is a treatable mental health condition, and with therapy and the proper medications, you can live a happy, fulfilling life. Depression can also be a contributor to substance use issues and addiction. Many people try to handle their symptoms of depression on their own, which leads to drug or alcohol misuse. Finding the right therapist, psychiatrist, and medication are some of the best, proven ways to fight your depression. Finding a group of professionals who really understand your struggle with depression and who will work together to find a treatment that is right for you can seem impossible. Sometimes, it takes multiple tries with different medications and different therapy styles before you can find what works best for you.

At Atlanta Detox Center, your clinical team will work with you on learning about your depression and how to manage your depression. We will devise a personal treatment plan in our depression and addiction treatment center tailored to meet your needs. The plan will help you heal from any past traumas that may have led to your depression. Your team will also help your family heal and understand your depression and addiction with psycho-education and family therapy.

Mental health residential is a good choice for anyone who feels like their depression has gotten out of control and has begun consuming their life. It gives you time away from stress and triggers to really focus on yourself in coordination with a treatment team. Residential treatment is also an excellent time to figure out what medication, or combination of medication, works best for you. Medication can be life-changing for people with serotonin and other chemical imbalances in the brain.

At Atlanta Detox Center, we will not only help you to stop drinking. As a premier dual diagnosis center providing addiction and mental health treatment in Atlanta, our inpatient mental health crisis intervention, medication management, and around-the-clock care will help bring you back to a place of peace. When someone begins cognitive behavioral therapy or psychotropic medications, it does not magically cure them. It can take anywhere between two and four weeks for the medication to begin working with the brain to fix any chemical imbalances. In residential treatment, you have the time you need to make sure medications and therapy are working.

Depression, Addiction and Suicide

Sadly, many people give up before the miracle happens. Depression is the leading cause of suicide, and drug and alcohol-induced depression is quite common. Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States. 47,173 Americans died by suicide in 2017. The signs and symptoms that someone may be feeling suicidal are often mistaken that someone is feeling “better.” Some people who have thoughts of suicide have acted happier in the weeks before they attempt suicide. This may be due to making the decision that they believe will end their pain. Noticing these extreme shifts in mood is important to helping your loved one deal with depression or suicidal thoughts.

Many people who are contemplating suicide also will talk about “ending it all” or “ending their pain.” If someone begins talking about death and ending their pain, it is important to ask them if they are feeling suicidal. Asking someone if they are suicidal will not “put the idea in their head” and is a positive way to begin the conversation and help them. Communicating with someone feeling suicidal can help them feel less shame and guilt.

People who are feeling suicidal may also exhibit impulsive behaviors. They may make drastic changes to their appearance, suddenly quit a job, give away prized possessions or call friends to say goodbye. People passively suicidal want to die but do not have plans to carry it out. They will have suicidal ideations, perhaps praying to die in their sleep. Although those who are passively suicidal are not at as much of a risk of committing suicide, alcohol addiction, the use of drugs, and depression can make the condition worse over time.

Under One Roof: Addiction Treatment and Depression Treatment in Georgia

If you, or someone you know is struggling, reach out for help today. At Atlanta Detox Center, you will receive drug and alcohol detox with a difference. Our detox program provides alcohol and depression treatment under one roof. You will be hard-pressed to find another depression treatment center that also offers drug and alcohol detox near Atlanta. Whether it’s an addiction to alcohol, heroin, prescription drugs, or crystal meth, our Atlanta Detox Center team will work to provide you with as much physical and mental comfort while detoxing from substances. The cycle of depression and addiction can feel lonely and scary; however, you don’t have to go through it alone. Asking for professional help is the first step towards freedom and happiness. If you believe someone you love is suffering from depression or is using drugs and alcohol to cope with depression, reach out to an expert today.