Completing a substance abuse program is an accomplishment to celebrate. It takes courage to admit to a problem and then work actively to resolve your issues. Some may not realize that rehab really never ends. You have to work to avoid a relapse, and one good way to do this is by creating a relapse prevention plan.

Unfortunately, relapse following drug treatment is all too common. It’s why most treatment facilities offer “aftercare” programs for relapse prevention. If you are going through recovery at a drug and alcohol detox center in GA, contact us at Atlanta Detox Center to learn more about your options.

What Does it Mean to Relapse?

The most important thing to recognize is relapse is not one big dramatic event, where overnight you find yourself back into the clutches of addiction. It happens gradually, almost imperceptibly: you fall back into old habits. This is why, whether you have a relapse in GA or some other part of the country, it’s important to pay attention to relapse prevention.

Some of the signs of relapse include:

  • Noticeable increase in stress
  • Return of anxiety, depression or other withdrawal symptoms, even in the absence of use
  • A shift in the post-treatment routine
  • Changes in social behaviors – for example discontinuing attendance at counseling or support groups
  • Return of cravings for drugs or alcohol, along with denial

Relapse prevention is designed to provide support mechanisms to identify and head off these symptoms early.

Relapse Prevention Plan

Statistics show that people who complete treatment are at high risk of relapse in the first year. That doesn’t make it an inevitable occurrence. Working closely with the staff of Atlanta Detox Center or a substance abuse treatment program in your community, you will develop a relapse prevention plan.

The emphasis of the plan is around awareness — being able to recognize when the status quo has changed and you are heading toward trouble. Some common elements of a relapse prevention plan include:

  • Full participation in 12-step “anonymous programs” that provide peer support.
  • Developing an alternative set of interests or hobbies — hiking, for instance.
  • Focusing on diet, exercise, sleep and other elements of self-care
  • Identifying environments – and people, too — who are not aligned with recovery goals
  • Continuing with counseling 

If you’re struggling with relapse in GA, the staff at Atlanta Detox Center is ready to help you build your relapse prevention program.

The Importance of the 12 Steps

Alcoholics Anonymous is arguably the best-known organization practicing the 12-step approach for a drug addiction treatment program. Created more than 80 years ago, AA leverages the strength of community, gathering people in recovery to support each other in their daily journeys to keep substance abuse under control.

Rather than a set of discrete actions, the 12 steps exist to guide participants to a new structure in their lives. It also facilitates critically important relationships and is typically a key part of just about every relapse prevention plan. There are 12-step programs for other substance abuse issues as well.

Even if a 12-step program doesn’t feel right for you, there are other ways of obtaining similar support — such as through faith-based organizations. Consider these programs as part of your recovery in GA or in your local communities.

Relapse Prevention with Atlanta Detox Center

Going through rehab to address a substance abuse problem is not easy. It requires patience and strength and support from friends and family. At Atlanta Detox Center, we understand the importance of aftercare and a robust plan for relapse prevention.  Our experienced staff will be behind you always, and you’ll also become an important part of our alumni network. Don’t hesitate. Get the help you deserve. Reach out for an appointment today by calling Atlanta Detox Center at 844-658-0927 for an initial appointment. 

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