Stress Awareness Month is the ideal time to think about your own stress management skills. Every April since 1992, this month has been dedicated to bringing awareness to stress and the development of coping mechanisms. Stress is a part of life for many people. Yet, it is often a compounding factor of complications for those with addiction and mental health disorders. At Atlanta Detox Center, we can help you take the first steps towards recovery.

Why You Should Promote Stress Awareness

If everyone deals with stress sometimes, why is it so important to focus on stress awareness with events like Stress Awareness Month? Stress, in its natural form, is a healthy reaction to stimuli around a person. It causes the body to speed up the heart and breathing rate, getting more oxygen to the brain to help make better decisions quicker. Yet, for many people today, stress doesn’t go away in a few minutes. Instead, it continues, and the stress hormone cortisol remains in the bloodstream for much longer than it should.

Stress like this is problematic. It can impact every facet of life, including:

  • Academic or work performance
  • Worsening mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder
  • Self-medicating using drugs or alcohol
  • Complicates relationships and creates miscommunications
  • Creates negative thought patterns and behaviors

Without proper stress management skills in place, the brain seeks out other ways to reduce the intense symptoms it’s experiencing. That often means using substances that can relieve symptoms.

Ways You Can Promote Stress Awareness

One of the first and most crucial steps is to recognize that stress isn’t something you have to live with, nor is it just a part of life. Stress can create negative outcomes, which is why it’s essential to take steps to promote a healthy lifestyle around stress.

That may mean working through difficult situations instead of ignoring them. It may also mean taking breaks from work or school when you need to do so. It means developing tools to combat stress for some people, such as getting physical exercise and eating healthy.

Recognize the Need for Stress Awareness and Addiction

Stress impacts mental health negatively, especially when it becomes chronic. Mental health management and stress management skills can help to reduce some of those risks. However, if a person uses drugs and alcohol to alleviate their stress, they may also be at risk for addiction. When that happens, our team at Atlanta Detox Center can provide the help needed. Some of the therapies that may help include:

These are just some of the therapies we offer as a component of the detox and recovery process. Yet, they teach key skills that can help you manage and overcome stress.

Encourage Others Through Stress Awareness

There’s no reason to face stress alone. If you know of a loved one battling intense stress, reach out to them. Encourage them to talk to you or someone they trust. Working through high-stress situations is a critical step in the healing process. This Stress Awareness Month, take a step towards helping a loved one, a community member, or another person you know. If addiction or mental health management is a concern, our professionals are here to help you through it, too.

Explore the Connection Between Mental Health and Recovery

Your mental health is an essential factor in your long-term addiction recovery. When stress is overwhelming you, take a moment to step back and realize you can manage what’s happening. If you are using drugs and alcohol right now to do so, let our team at Atlanta Detox Center help you to stop. Reach out to us today by calling 844-658-0927 or connect with us online. Retake control of your life with our help.